Compared to all the research, time, and energy put into purchasing a home, buying a homeowners insurance policy is too often an afterthought. However, homeowners insurance deserves more careful consideration because choosing…
what is General Liability insurance?
General liability insurance (GLI) can help cover claims that your business caused bodily injury or property damage. General liability insurance (GLI) is sometimes called business liability insurance or commercial general liability insurance…
10 things to know about Long Term Care Planning
We all have those moments with our loved ones, when we realize a discussion about long term care planning is going to be necessary… soon. The other night my husband and I…
How to save on your home insurance premium
Don’t skimp—but do shop around Having homeowners insurance is undoubtedly an expense—but it is also your protection against potential disaster and financial ruin. Homeowners policy prices vary from company to company, so…
How can a home insurance help protect your home?
In this guide, we’ll explore what is and is not covered by a homeowners insurance policy, and address common coverage concerns. For example, you may wonder if a typical homeowners insurance policy…
Different types of home insurance coverage options
Homeowners insurance (also known as home insurance) isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity. That’s not just because it protects your home and possessions against damage or theft. In this article, we’ll walk…
Different Types of home Insurance
Types of homeowners insurance HO-1: Basic Form HO-1 homeowners insurance offers the least amount of coverage and is rarely sold anymore. It only includes coverage for the physical structure of your home…
Different Types of home Insurance
Types of homeowners insurance HO-1: Basic Form HO-1 homeowners insurance offers the least amount of coverage and is rarely sold anymore. It only includes coverage for the physical structure of your home…